See our Facebook or Discord events for more details
All evening events start at 6:30pm (6pm registration)
MONDAYS: Pokémon Standard Tournaments! $5 entry gets you in on the action! First round starts at 6:30pm.
TUESDAYS: Magic The Gathering-Draft: The latest release for a $25 Entry. Draft starts at 6:30pm. Digimon Standard Tournaments! $5 entry, starts at 6:30pm.
WEDNESDAYS: One Piece Standard Tournaments! $5 entry towards prize support. Promos for all participants and a random roll Judge Card Winner! We will also have D&D One-Shot Adventures: $5 Entry. Both start at 6:30pm.
THURSDAYS: Casual Thursdays we hold Magic The Gathering Commander! Always a fun and inviting crowd! Join in anytime 5-10pm.
FRIDAYS: Join Friday Night Magic Commander for FREE to start your weekend off right! Join a pod anytime between 5-10pm. Also hosting One Piece Standard Tournaments and D&D Adventurers League! Both are $5 entry and start at 6:30pm.
SATURDAYS: Kids Club from 11am-2pm for FREE! Kids 15 and under can join us for a D&D Jr. Adventure, Pokémon, Magic The Gathering, or other game. Not sure which? Whatever the game, this is the time to learn and place to be!
Free Magic Commander at 5pm, then at 6:30pm starts D&D Adventurers League: $5 entry.
SUNDAYS: Digimon Standard Tournament: $5 entry. Promos for all participants! First round starts at 1pm. Free Magic Casual Commander from 1-7pm!
Sundays are also all day open tabletop & TCG play! Bring in and test out your latest decks or battle it out with BattleTech & Warhammer!
There's something for everyone at The Madhouse!